1. Access : http://oasis.postech.ac.kr
2. What is OASIS Repository ?
- Online archive for long-term preservation of POSTECH's research outputs
- Support contents-sharing globally
- OASIS means Open Access System for Information Sharing
3. Contents coverage
- Journal articles
- Proceedings
- Thesis
4. How to participate
- In case of journal articles & proceedings, please attach materials for which the copyright is owned by the author or the University to POVIS
- In case of thesis, you don't need to submit it if you already submit it when you graduate.
- Please refer to the listing of publisher copyright policies & self-archiving : Sherpa-Romeo
5. Contact : 279-2548 (library@postech.ac.kr)
1. 접속 안내 : http://oasis.postech.ac.kr
2. OASIS Repository란 ?
- 교내 연구자들의 공개가능(open access)한 학술자료를 장기적으로 보존
- 오픈액세스 기반의 표준화된 방식으로 컨텐츠를 글로벌 공유
3. 수록 컨텐츠
- 학술논문(Articles)
- 회의자료(Proceedings)
- 학위논문(Thesis)
4. 이용자 참여 안내
- 학술논문/회의자료 : 공개가능한 원문(pre-print / post-print / publisher version) POVIS 입력
- 학위논문 : 제출 불필요 (졸업시 제출한 자료 활용)
- 출판사 저널별 공개가능(저작권) 확인 사이트 : Sherpa-Romeo
5. 문의사항 : 279-2548 (library@postech.ac.kr)