ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS, vol. 5, no. 20, page. 2636 - 2645, 2016-10
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, vol. 113, page. 118 - 121, 2016-03-01
Proceedings of 10th Internatinoal Symposium on Nature-Inspired Technology, 2017-06-29
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 5, no. 48, page. 25328 - 25337, 2017-12
International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications, 2015-06-27
9th Asian-Austrailian Conference on Composite Materials, 2014-10-16
LAB ON A CHIP, vol. 11, no. 6, page. 1049 - 1053, 2011-01
the twentieth annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, 2012-07-28
Current Applied Physics, vol. 13, no. 4, page. 762 - 767, 2013-06
Micromachines, vol. 9, no. 11, 2018-11
The 4th International Conference on Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, 2019-06-16
ACS OMEGA, vol. 5, no. 43, page. 27880 - 27885, 2020-11
17th International Conference on Composite Materials, 2009-07-31
The 8th international conference on optical probes of conjugated polymers and organic nanostructures, 2009-06-07
3rd International Conference of Axiomatic Design, 2004-06-01