The 7th International Conferene on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 2012-12-08
15th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, 2009-07-15
2008 EASIAM annual Meetings
2008년 제1차 정기학술발표회, page. 771 - 806, 2008-02-23
2008 4th East Asia SIAM conference, 2008-10-10
JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, vol. 32, no. 12, page. 2617 - 2627, 2008-12
2010 International Workshop on Recent Trends in Learning, Computation, and Finance, 2010-08-30
2004 가을 연구발표회, 2004-10-01
JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 10, no. 3, page. 271 - 281, 2008-07
2009 추계 정기학술연구발표회, 2009-11-07
OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 36, no. 2, page. 177 - 183, 2008-03
QUANTITATIVE FINANCE, vol. 13, no. 6, page. 885 - 895, 2013-06-01
2010 International Workshop on Recent Trends in Learning, Computation, and Finance, 2010-08-30
6th Conference of Asia-Pacific Association of Derivatives, 2010-08-27
2015 한국금융공학회/KRX/한국금융연구원 공동학술발표회, 2015-12-17
2005 추계 학술연구발표회, 2005-11-25
Finance Research Letters, vol. 18, page. 158 - 176, 2016-08