MRS Spring Meeting 2022, 2022-05-10
대한기계학회 2018년도 학술대회, 2018-12-14
대한기계학회 2018년도 학술대회, 2018-12-13
The 3rd A3 Metamaterials Forum, 2018-08-14
31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (NMC 2018), 2018-11-15
The 5th International Conference in Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE 2018), 2018-11-13
Flat Optics: Components to Systems, FLATOPTICS 2021 - Part of OSA Optical Design and Fabrication 2021, 2021-06
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 27, no. 5, 2021-09
The 16th International Nanotech Symposium and Nanoconvergence Expo (Nanokorea 2018), 2018-07-13
Gordon Research Conference - Plasmonically Powered Processes, 2023-06-05
IMID 2021, 2021-08-26
대한기계학회 2020년도 마이크로/나노공학부문 춘계학술대회, 2020-07-30
MRS 2023 spring, 2023-04-11
IEEE Access, vol. 10, page. 68724 - 68730, 2022-06
IMID 2022 Display Future technology road show, 2022-08-25
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, vol. 123, no. 43, page. 26564 - 26570, 2019-10
International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), 2021-08-08
대한기계학회 2021년도 마이크로/나노공학부문 춘계학술대회, 2021-05-27