World Metalens Summit, 2019-12-16
The International Symposium on Plasmonics and Nanophotonics (iSPN 2019), 2019-11-12
PIERS 2019 in Rome, 2019-06-20
The 41st Progress of Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019), 2019-06-20
The 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonics Crystals and Plasmonics (META'19), 2019-07-24
Light Conference 2019, 2019-07-17
SPIE Optics and Photonics 2018, 2018-08-23
The 40th progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2018), 2018-08-02
The 11th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), 2019-06-25
The Korean Institute of Surface Engineering (KISE) Fall Meeting, 2018-11-15
APL Photonics, vol. 5, no. 6, page. 066106, 2020-06-01
Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE), 2023-09-27
MRS Fall Meeting 2021, 2021-11-08
SPIE photonics West 2023, 2023-02-01
대한기계학회 마이크로/나노공학부문 2020년도 춘계학술대회, 2020-07-29
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 9, no. 10899, 2019-07
Nanomaterials, vol. 12, no. 6, 2022-03
The Sixteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials' 2022), 2022-09-15
Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 9, no. 19, 2021-10
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol. 9, no. 3, 2019-02