Asia Steel 2015, 2015-10-07
Conference of Metallurgists, 2002-10-01
The 4th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking, 2008-10-06
ICS2008, page. 411, 2008-10-06
5th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing, 2004-11-02
asia steel 2009, 2009-05-26
4th Korea-China Joint Symp. Advanced Steel Technology, page. 34 - 40, 2007-08-20
6th International Conference on High Technologies in Advanced Metal Science and Engineering, 2004-09-14
Metal Separation Technologies III, 2004-06-20
Thermec 2011, 2011-08-01
ICS2008, page. 420 - 423, 2008-10-07
TMS Annual Meeting, 2002-02-18
KIMM Fall Meeting, 2002-10-25
6th International Conference on High Technologies in Advanced Metal Science and Engineering, 2004-09-14