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dc.description.abstractMany companies are now acutely aware of the needs for organization innovation to react the rapidly changing environment and market than ever. Organization innovation enhances the efficiency of an organization through organization diagnosis. The results of diagnosing an organization serve as the foundation to design and to innovate. In other words, organization innovation depends on the procedure and the ways of organization diagnosis.From theories related to organization, the purpose of this research can be organization diagnosis centered on organizational structure for organization innovation. Because this paper proposes a methodology to discover the actual organizational state based on business proesses through organization structure analysis and the analysis results mean the alternatives of design and innovation as well as the results of diagnosis.This paper is based on three components organization deisgn alternatives by Richard L. Daft. There are three components including formal reporting systems, departmental grouping, and work activities. In this regard, this research focuses on the organizational changes including departmental changes according to the changes of formal reporting systems.This paper proposes methods and procedures to diagnose organizational structure based on business process logs using SNA. The concept of business reporting relations, BRR is proposed. This research is based on analysis of organizational structure in terms of the business reporting relations. The related definitions to deduct the business reporting relations are proposed and introduced. Based on BRR, two indexes are proposed for diagnosis of formal reporting systems of organizational structure: (1) Formal Reporting Indexen_US
dc.description.abstract(2) Net Formal Reporting Index. They make the difference between the current and log-based organizational structure discovered by BRR. In addition, the way and the procedure of using positional & role analysis in SNA based on BRR are proposed. This paper finally has log-based organizational network and structure proposed by the whole procedure as a methodology. The methodology finally makes the actual organizational structure discovered. For validation and examples, the various case studies are shown by this methodology based on business process logs. The web-based log-generator tool was developed for generating business process logs from models by BPMN.This paper is expected to be a scientific methodology to analyze and to diagnose organizational structure based on business processs data in terms of BRR.en_US
dc.titleAn Analysis of Organizational Structure based on Business Process Logs using Social Network Analysis Techniquesen_US
dc.title.alternative비즈니스 프로세스 로그 기반으로 SNA 분석 기법을 활용한 조직구조 분석 연구en_US
dc.contributor.college일반대학원 산업경영공학과en_US 8en_US


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