Sensors, vol. 23, no. 10, 2023-05
Optical Materials Express, vol. 13, no. 10, page. 2787 - 2797, 2023-10
Acta Astronautica, vol. 219, page. 506 - 516, 2024-06
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol. 42, 2023-02
Advanced Materials, vol. 35, no. 26, 2023-06
Nature Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, 2023-01
Light: Science & Applications, vol. 12, no. 1, 2023-12
Lab on a Chip, vol. 23, no. 9, page. 2356 - 2356, 2023-01
Advanced Materials, page. 2203889, 2023-01
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 24, no. 21, 2023-11 Tel: 054-279-2548
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