KITE-ICVC, 1989-01-01
제9차 국내외 과학기술자 종합학술대회, 1984-07-01
Proc.of the Symp. on Mathematical Tools for Modeling and Control of Robots, 1986-01-01
Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1986-01-01
The 18th Annual Pittsburgh Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, 1987-01-01
IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Control, page. 53 - 57, 1985-01-01
가을 학술발표대회, page. 217 - 220, 1988-10-01
추계 인공지능 학술 강연회, page. 143 - 154, 1988-11-01 Tel: 054-279-2548
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