2010 한국정밀공학회 추계학술대회, 2010-11-12
2010 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회, 2010-11-06
Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2012-03-16
The 17th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering 2010, 2010-05-19
2010 한국 IT 서비스학회 추계학술대회, 2010-11-10
2011년도 한국CAD/CAM학회 학술발표회, 2011-01-26
The 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 2011-08-28
대한인간공학회지, vol. 24, no. 4, page. 73 - 78, 2005-12